Data Visualization(MongoDB) -Metabase(Open Source)
Jan 12, 2021
There are two ways of Metabase setup:
- Using Metabase.jar(
- Using Docker
Using .jar file:
- You must have java (openjdk-jre) installed on your machine.
- Download Metabase.jar from the above link.
- navigate to the dir from cmd and run java -jar metabase.jar (Metabase setup will be running athttp://localhost:3000/setup/)
Using Docker:
- You must have docker installed on your machine (
- Docker must be up and running
- Open cmd make sure docker up and running (docker -v).
- Now run
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 — name metabase metabase/metabase
refer docker image (
now Metabase setup will be running at http://localhost:3000/setup/
Metabase Supports the following Data Sources
Metabase Supports:-
Note: By default on launching the Metabase. It uses the embedded h2 database.